The wind flows for the sun in Spain

Spain will have to exert itself if it wants to meet the expectations included in the Global Market Outlook For Solar Power 2019/2023  by Solar Power Europe, an organization that represents more than 200 members from different parts of the industry value chain of solar energy. This study points out that, in an average scenario, Spain will have an installed solar energy power of 19,452 MW in 2023, compared to the 5,915 registered at the end of 2018. This figure represents a compound annual increase of 34%.

It is true that winds drive growth. The European Union was one of the first promoters of clean energy by setting ambitious energy and climate goals: 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% renewable energy and 20% increase in efficiency energy by 2020. The countries of the Union thus illuminated a path that boosted investment in infrastructure, research and innovation. It was a call to action that has now been imitated by other countries around the world.

With the Paris Agreement, the EU has pledged to continue moving forward and achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of at least 40% by 2030. To respond to this challenge and continue to lead the global energy transition, the EU has adopted a set of new ambitious standards, defining the legislative parameters for the coming years. This new framework is called the “Clean Energy for all Europeans” Package.

This is the world’s most advanced legislative package to transform the energy sector and decarbonize the economy: a new renewable energy target of at least 32% binding in the EU and a new main EU energy efficiency target of at least 32.5%. Both objectives include the possibility of a new upward revision in 2023. When fully implemented, they could lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in the EU of around 45% in 2030. Solar energy plays an important role in achieving these ends.

Spanish legislation is aligned with the EU’s commitment, although it has to refine some processes to achieve the proposed objectives. Thus, in the field of solar energy, the National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) for the period 2021-2030 proposes the installation of an average of 3 GW of new photovoltaic power per year, beginning 2021, to reach a total of 28,000 MW of new installed photovoltaic power. This objective involves an investment of 28,000 million euros.

One deciding factor will be technology maturity. Proof of this is that photovoltaic energy has reduced its costs up to 95% in the last decade, a cut that allows it to be competitive in market conditions and that, together with terrestrial wind energy, is the main tool to decarbonize the production of electricity in Spain.