BRUC ENERGY, S.L. (hereinafter “BRUC“), entity with registered office at Arturo Soria Address, 336, 7ºIzq, 28033 – Madrid – Spain, CIF B88465034 and contact email:, responsible for the Platform (the “Web Platform” or the “Platform“), makes available to the user of the Platform (the “User“) the present document (the “Privacy Policy“), with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR“) and the Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, 2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (“LOPDDD“).


The person responsible for the processing of personal data is BRUC, a company specialized in the generation of renewable energy.

  • Domain name: BRUC ENERGY, S.L.
  • CIF: B88465034
  • Address: Arturo Soria 336, 7ºIzq, 28033 – Madrid – Spain
  • Telephone: +34 910492775
  • Data protection contact:


Purposes of the treatment Legitimate basis for processing Retention of your personal data
Enable the User to browse the Platform, thereby allowing access to information and content available on it. The consent of the User and, as the case may be, satisfaction of the legitimate interest of the User or third parties, associated with the proper management, maintenance, development and evolution of the Platform, tools, network and associated information systems, allowing its  adequate management, maintenance, development and evolution of the Platform, tools, network and associated information systems, allowing its proper functioning, functionality, access to content and services, as well as the general security of all of the above. In general, the User’s personal  personal data of the User will be kept for the essential and necessary time to enable the correct navigation and use of the Platform and the contents made available through  content available through the same to which it accesses.

Regarding the data associated with the browsing profile, in relation to analytical cookies that have been accepted as indicated in the policy accepted as indicated in BRUC’s cookie policy, you should pay attention to the section on the temporality of the same.

To attend the requests or requests of the User in accordance with the forms or requests sent to us by the User. The consent of the User. The User’s personal data will be kept for the time necessary to correctly deal with the requests and/or specific requests on a case-by-case basis.

If such requests consist of the execution at the request of the User of pre-contractual measures or the subscription of a contract with BRUC, the data will be conserved for all the time necessary to give due satisfaction to such

contract with BRUC, the data will be kept for all the time necessary to give due satisfaction to such pre-contractual measures or service contract between the parties.

To solve in an agile and effective way the User’s doubts about our services. The User’s consent and, as the case may be, execution of pre-contractual measures at the User’s request. The User’s personal data will be retained for the time strictly necessary to solve necessary to solve or attend to them.
Manage the  Curriculum Vitae sent by the User to BRUC in order to process the corresponding open personnel selection processes. open personnel selection processes. Execution of pre-contractual and, where appropriate, contractual measures at the request of the User. Once the selection process has been completed, the legal basis shall generally be the User’s consent. The User’s personal data will be retained for the duration of the selection process and, if consent is given and, in the event that express consent is subsequently given, until such time as consent is withdrawn.
In the event that the User has accepted the cookie policy provided for this purpose, allow the development of the processing purposes associated with them and, in particular, perform the relevant analysis derived from web browsing for analytical and/or statistical purposes. The consent of the User. The User’s personal data will be kept as long as the use of cookies by the User is not revoked and according to the temporality of the same, in accordance with BRUC’s Cookies Policy and in compliance with the legal deadlines set forth, regardless of the legitimate basis for processing.
Adopt all applicable protection measures in accordance with current legislation, including the possible pseudonymization and anonymization of the User’s personal data by applying, for this purpose, the appropriate techniques available for this purpose. Compliance with a legal obligation (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”). In the case of processing intended to ensure the security of the Platform, the network and the associated information system, the legitimate interest of BRUC or, where appropriate, of a third party may be invoked (Art. 49 of the GDPR). The User’s personal data will be retained for as long as the User’s personal data is processed, including the retention of such data for the legal periods stipulated, and regardless of the legitimate basis for processing that BRUC uses.
To apply the pertinent security, technical and/or organizational measures on the User’s personal personal data of the User according to the existing risk at any given time. Compliance with a legal obligation (General Data Protection Regulation or “GDPR”). In the case of processing intended to ensure the security of the Platform, the network and the associated information system, the following may be invoked, where appropriate, to satisfy the legitimate interest of BRUC or, where appropriate, of a third party (Art. where appropriate, the satisfaction of the legitimate interest of BRUC or, where appropriate, of a third party (Art. 49 of the RGPD). The User’s personal data will be retained for as long as the User’s personal data is processed, including the retention of such data for the legal periods stipulated, and regardless of the legitimate basis for processing that BRUC uses.

When the legitimate basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the User, the User will have the right to revoke this consent at any time, simply and free of charge, by writing to BRUC at the postal or e-mail address mentioned above, indicating the purpose of the request, and attaching, if necessary, proof of identification, an ID card or passport that identifies the User.

Likewise, failure to provide the User’s personal data could result in the impossibility of: 1) correctly navigating the Platform (if technical cookies are disabled); 2) accessing certain content or services; 3) processing a specific request or application (for example, due to the lack or insufficient completion of the corresponding form or application).


The personal data collected will not be transferred or communicated to third parties, unless expressly authorized by the owner of the same, by reason of a contractual relationship that makes such communication necessary or by legal obligation.

As BRUC belongs to a group of companies by virtue of the provisions of article 42 of the Code of Commerce, the data collected may be communicated to other companies of the same Group.

Likewise, in general, international transfers of personal data are not foreseen, and BRUC will adopt the necessary measures and guarantees in this area in accordance with current personal data protection regulations.


BRUC strictly complies with the duty of secrecy and confidentiality of personal data, having implemented, for this purpose, the necessary technical, organizational and security measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in accordance with the provisions of Spanish and European legislation on the protection of personal data.


The User may exercise the rights provided for in the regulations in force and which are listed below:

  • Access to your personal data in order to know the treatment that is being carried out by BRUC.
  • To request the rectification of his/her personal data when the User considers them to be inaccurate, and that they are the object of processing by BRUC.
  • To request the deletion of the data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • To request the limitation of the processing of your data in those cases in which the regulations contemplate it. In these cases, BRUC will conserve the data object of the limitation for the exercise or defense of claims as foreseen in the regulations in force.
  • To request the portability of his or her data, in those cases in which the User requests to receive the personal data concerning him or her that he or she has provided to BRUC. This data will be provided to the interested party in a structured format of common use and mechanical reading.
  • To oppose the processing of his or her data in certain circumstances and for reasons related to his or her particular situation, in which case BRUC will cease to process them except for imperative legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defense of possible claims.

The exercise of the rights that assist the User may be made by writing to BRUC at the postal or electronic address mentioned above, indicating the object of the request, and accompanying, if necessary, proof of identification, ID card or passport that identifies the User.

If the User considers that his/her data is not being used correctly and/or his/her request has not been attended to by BRUC, he/she may address a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


The Privacy Policy has been updated on 12th April 2024.

BRUC reserves the right to modify it according to its own criteria, or motivated by a doctrinal, legislative or jurisprudential change of the competent Data Protection Authority.

Any modification of the Privacy Policy will be published on the Platform, indicating the date of its last update. The use of the Platform after such changes will imply the acceptance of these changes.